Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Mother's Day & Father's Day 2013

Showcasing the artwork our lil Ks

A "hat" from Klaire to Daddy

A "butterfly" from Klaire to Mummy

 A bookmark from Kirsten to Mummy

We were wondering but didn't mention. Where's Kirsten to Daddy's?? haha

This year I wasn't around on Mothers' Day as I was on a business trip to Bangladesh. I left on the Sunday itself. That was really sad.....But... We made up for it by a visit to Universal Studio with my mum! W had helluva fun perspiring! lol. Kirsten and Klaire are still generally scared of the mascots. We did try some rides and they were enjoying it. Look forward to the times when they can take thrilling rides with us!

Kirsten is 4! Mummy is 3*!

The theme for Missy Pumpkin this year is everything Princessy!

We ordered a big No 4 cake with tiara and ward for her school celebration and DIY the goodie bags with princess stickers and crafts. The Ks participated by filling up the bags with their allocated candies, stationaries, biscuits and chocolates

Kirs is shy when the focus is on her. She must have felt uneasy. She wasn't smiling to the camera. She is fiddling with her hands when the children were singing the birthday song. And she did not blow the candle. Klaire blew on her behalf and cut the cake together with her! well, thats Kirs for you....When asked her if she enjoyed and liked it. She nodded her head and said "Yes"

Actual day celebration is at home with all the paternal relatives.
Again, a princess cake which she chose herself. This time round she was much at ease. We bought the Ks bicycles as their presents. They were joyous! Now they wana go cycling everyday......


On a side note....My birthday celebration was a simple one with a movie and cake cutting ceremony. As the years goes dun make such a big fuss anymore...Oh damn, Im getting oldish....


Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm Back!

This has certainly been long.... Close to almost 2 years! goodness, I have been MIA...

I look up my blog again in office one day cos my manager was chatting with me about childhood pictures. I quickly google my blog and it popped up. Reading my blog gave me good memories and I was determined to keep all these alive. Usually the office block all sorts of blog webs and just so coincidentally, it wasnt block that day. This MUST be a SIGN!

Alritey, let me fill up the empty slots with a quick summary

Updates of Kirsten
  • Kirsten has turned 4.
  • She has no problem expressing herself and her language is quite strong.
  • She is still attending Shichida, joined Yamaha when she turns 3 and started icreative in April this year.
  • She is a lil tomboyish (likes Transformer, Cars and such). Wonder isit due to the influence of the boys in My First School aka MFS?
  • Very understanding and independent girl. Just very shy in front of others.

Updates of Klaire
  • Klaire is turning 3 come this August. She has changed a lot terms of look.
  • She yaks alot but her speech is a bit slurred. She needs to think first before expressing herself clearly.
  • She is always conversing in English. Her Mandarin sux.....(trying to rectify that by speaking to her in Mandarin. But this stubborn tigeress ignore us and only answer in English -_-")
  • Attended MFS in 18th month. Started Shichida at 2 years old and gonna get enrol in Yamaha soon.
  • Cheerful and bubbly baby. Much courageous then Kirs and was able to fight or stand up for her sister when Kirs was sorta bullied!

Updates of Us
  • We sold the SK flat and bought a Riversound. (to TOP by 2015) Meantime, we moved in with my parents in law at Woodlands
  • Fifi passed away peacefully in Dec 2011 due to heart failure. Cashie boy moved in with Gigi and her boyfriend Lexter.
  • I am still working in Daikin and has moved to a regional role. As such, I travel frequently to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
  • Rie took over Newton Seafood stall 39. Hence, now we have stall 39 and 77.
  • I bought a 2nd hand Nissan Latio in Jan 2013.
  • We visited Gold Coast in Sep 2012. Our 1st family trip with Ks via airplane.
  • Rie and I visited Manchester in May this year. Watched a Man Utd vs Chelsea match in old trafford and fulfilled our dreams!

I can't recall any other significant changes, and these are the ones for now. Will blog regularly from now on. So happy that I am writing again!

Recent pic of my Ks and Valerie, visiting their great granny in Malaysia.