Wednesday, August 11, 2010

11/08/10, Klaire's Arrival!

I've started my Maternity leave on the 10th of August. Planning to take a break and spend more time with Kirs before Meimei takes up most of my time. Kirs is having fever at nite and subside in the day when she had a dose of medicine. She was really a crybaby at nite n the temperature rose to about 38C low. I believe is due to teething as she is still active in the day, only lethargic at nite and drools alot.

Was off for my routine gynae check up on Wednesday afternoon.(11/08), after which I will go UOB centre with rie to collect the bankers guarantee and submit the documents for license for Ideal Domestic.

At the Gynae,
Klaire was 38 weeks and head down. Phew! At 37 weeks, she was at horizontal position.
I was feeling "heavy" and thought I had mild contractions. Dr Ang estimated Klaire to be at 2.8kg. And since she was head down and of good weight, he suggested to be induce today. Cos he cannot guarantee that baby will not move position again and if have to go thru c-sect due to position will be quite sayang.
I was so confused! Never expect it coming at all cos this time round, I wanted to "naturally" feel pain and go to hospital rather then be induced like Kirs time. But since he gave us his professional advice and he was confident that Klaire can be out today, Rie and me agreed to heed his advice.
Again we tot we will check in at 11pm like the 1st time. But heck no! He asked me to be check in at the observation ward at 330pm. And the time at his clinic then was 1230pm. We still have so many errands to run! Oh my, we gotta go and settle the license thingy and my hosp bag is only half packed. And rie has to go back to office to handover some vessels to his colleagues...Geez..

So we hurriedly finish our stuffs, went hm pack and bathe and check in to observation ward at 345pm. Late...

I changed into the gown and await to be induced by Dr Ang. But seriously i dun see him inserting anything in at all. Jus he went very deep in during the V.E. He confirmed that I'm abt 1-2cm dilated, and off he went.

1615hrs - Rie went to do the adminstration while the nurse inject enema on me to clear my bowels. I was then put on CTG.

1700hrs - Played some iphone games, surf net and contractions intermittent at 3mins interval. Felt feverish..

1920hrs - Transferred to labour ward. Contractions still bearable. Wants to try without epidural this time round.

1930 hrs - Given gas mask to relieve my pain. Rie went out to have a quick dinner. I watched TV and do the breathe and blow technique to forget the pain.

2000hrs - inject the needle for drip onto the back of my hand.

2025hrs - Gynae checked, 4cm dilated. Burst water bag. Measured temperature of 37.7C.  Given aspirin.

2112hrs - 6-7cm dilated. Having the urge to push! Freaking in pain and the gas makes me high. 2 midwives help to push my tummy, Dr Ang help to vacuum out the baby, Rie holding my hand. And together we push over each contractions.

2126hrs - My lil Klaire is out. Weighing 2.685kg. But the pain is not over. The stitching is painful too! lol...

Above timing was checked and jotted by Rie. hehe. I'm too in pain to rem wats happening...
This time round I can really feel a sense of relieve when I pushed the baby out and after that the delivery of the placenta. My 1st time, I dun even know what I'm pushing cos the numbness was really strong. I'm really proud of myself to be able to do it without epi. It gives me a sense of satisfaction.

Presenting my 2nd princess....

Klaire on left and Kirs on rite. Doesn't Klaire honey looks like Kirs darling? dat was what i tot when I 1st saw her... =)

After cleaned up and at home.


Anonymous said...

Kirs and Klaire look so alike.

Anonymous said...

You are doing great Mommy Kelly! Awesome I can say... Though the pain is quite unbearable but like I say its very fulfilling and wei-da ya. Klaire got very obvious double eye lids and total imprint of jiejie.

Kelly said...

Thanks di, now I can totally comprehend ur agony during daylon's birth. Really nt easy ya.:) n yes, we r weida! Lol

Anonymous said...

Heehee so now you can boldly tell people that giving birth is like Fang Pi kekeke... Correct mah... We indeed feel like this when the baby is out... Hehehehe :) How's ur confinement doing? Bear with it alright, will be over soon :)