Monday, July 19, 2010

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Very sadden by the news lately that a baby died because of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Her daddy was jailed bcos of this.....I guess no parents would want this to happen.

I also recieved an email regarding another case of this and the pics of the mummy n baby are really too much to bear. So I will not post the pics here. But if you really are interested to know and see for yourself, pls leave ur email addy and I can email you.

To create awareness, I will share with mummies or MTBs wat's SBS.......

For those of you who dont know what Shaken Baby Syndrome check out the facts ;

-Shaking, jerking and jolting can cause blood vessels in the head to tear or burst.

Shaken Baby Syndrome is the shaking of an infant or child by the arms, legs, or shoulders with or without impact of the head. This trauma can result in bleeding and brain injury with no outward signs of abuse

Often frustrated caregivers feel that shaking a baby or small child is a harmless way to make the child stop crying. However, a baby's brain and blood vessels are vulnerable to whiplash motions, such as shaking, jerking, jolting, and impact.

The neck muscles of an infant or small child are weak, so the child's head is relatively heavy and the neck cannot support the stress of shaking or impact.

-Shaking a very young child, with or without impact of the head, can cause irreversible brain damage, blindness, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, spinal cord injury, seizures, learning disabilities, and even death.

It is tragic that healthy, intelligent babies are suffering these disabilities simply because their caregivers don't know about the dangers associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome
An estimated 1,200 to 1,400 cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) occur each year in the United States .

Only 1 out of 4 babies dies of Shaken Baby Syndrome

HOWEVER, the other three babies will need ongoing medical attention for the rest of their short lifespans

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