But who knows...."Ren suan bu ru tian suan"...lil pumpkin is sick during this period.....Actually, we did contemplate to call off the whole thing. But well, seeing his efforts gone to waste is so cruel. Luckily on Fri 23rd, her fever has subsided. So we decided to go ahead with the plan and promise to call home n check on her........
24th April Sat, Eve of Anni
We went out early in the morn abt 9 am.......... To Furama Riverfront Hotel.............
Yesssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To bake cakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha..ok, effectively the cakes were not made by us, we r only in charge of decorating the cakes. But its something very new... things that we did tog for the 1st time!
So very proud of our master pieces... Rie's a copycat, I came out with WK 1st, which is our initials not West Khoo but West Kelly. And then he came out with 6 saying that it symbolizes the years.....Crap... so so not innovative..bleah!
Then we had light lunch in the hotel square and after that, check into the executive clubroom, which is the biggest room in the hotel.....
Not too fantastic, we had pumpkin soup, fish n lamb for me and baked rice for him. I forgot the dessert name...kiwi something..
Then its nuaing time for us...to catch the much needed beauty sleep lost when kirs was sick...
I rate his effort a 8.5! Cannot too high..lol..cos must have some room for improvements!