I've passed the half of my confinement ordeal! 2 more weeks to go!

Then is elder sista Fifi and lil Kirsten!
Progress of Kirs,
1. In general she's a good baby..drinks her milk n get back to slp..
2. She drinks abt 90ml (3 oz) now. Meanin I have to keep pumping to meet her demand..thou sometimes supplement with formula.
3. She is very awake and likes to explore after her bath time..abt 11am to 1pm and also at nite 11pm to 1am sometimes 2am...very shag cos mummy wana slp! Lucky I got my mummy and rini to help me...keke
4. I dun latch her that often now, cos she will get sleepy after 1 side..and then refuse to latch the other side. Then cant gauge how much she consumed. Quite sad...
5. She's a real sucker...I need to introduce her to pacifier...
Progress of Mummy,
1. no more soreness for me. Now i can move with ease...
2. Menses stop...
3. Still adjusting to breastmilk, breastmilk and more breastmilk!
4. Bonding with Kirs aint strong yet..cos my mummy n rini help me do most of the work..
Pictures Time!
Mummy and daddy trying our best to act stylo and chio for our family pic... but fail terribly! haha....weird angle! U r a natural thou..keke ...The process was funny n hilarious...
So end of pdt is super unglam Mum n dad with lil Kirs.....
Then is elder sista Fifi and lil Kirsten!
Daddy posing with his baobei....
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