Gathering is good. I learn more things from fellow mummies and can check whether Kirs progress is on par..
Kirs's neck is still wobbly and they taught me to let her lie on her chest to train her neck..
ok here goes...alamak, like so tongku like dat..hehe
blepppp........... her hair looks like tintin...
let her explore her fisherprice toy during her play time...
wondering wats dat?

Likes it
Using all fours to kick it and at the same time pose for mummy...hee
oh..and retail therapy is good..hasn't been out shopping. And watever I look at now, are stuffs for Kirs rather then for myself (cos secretly I still hope I can shed more weight).
Went for my property lesson at TPY Hub last thurs. Chance upon this cute store with lotsa Hello K stuffs. But this photo frame really locks my attention, likes it immediately. Wanted to get this kinda 1st yr frame long time ago but cant seem to find a nice one..but now i got it!
Tadaa.......heart it!