Its quite an accomplishment for me, as its the first time I took Kirs out wout a car. We took a bus to compasspoint. But then again, I have the help of Rini (my maid) to help me carry the barangs while i carry Kirs.
It was much more fun then I expected. Mummies sharing tips on diapers, milk, growth, and etc about their babies. And we had a fun time lookin at each other babies...all so sleepy n cute. only abt 2 mths old! Oh and not forgetting, Kirs is the hairiest among em all..everybody is toking abt her hair! Of cos all of us attract public attentions too with so many babies together!

I'm relieved dat Kirs did not cry or fuss when we go out..else I galang gabo. I've come to realized dat she's a baby who likes to go gaigai. She'll jus slp and quietly explore her surroundings when she's awake. But when she comes hm...haiz..She fuss n fuss..maybe overstimulated.. Anyway its a good thing. This she follows her mum genes, a like to gaigai n shopholic bb? keke
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