Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Rie ballotted for NDP rehearsal and we finally got it! 4 tics to the full dress rehearsal on 31st July 2011.

It wasn't the 1st time I attended NDP (I went during my JC times at the stadium). But this time is different as it is at Marina with all the skyscapers and significant landmarks in singapore, Rie, my mummy, Kirs and me attended the event. This is the 1st NDP they eva went.

Kirs was having slight fever and unwell dat day. Was so worried she couldnt stand the heat and humid and fuss. Luckily she was cooperative, but dun expect a bubbly her. So glad there were lots of happenings that distracted her from feeling miserable.

The water performance and the fireworks were fabulous! really left us in awe.....

Packet drink is her good fren....

My lovely Mummy looking hip!
  Too hot!

Look at "poor thing" expression...

The stage.

Like daddy like daughter?

 Another forceful smile..keke

The parachute display fascinates her

Face cramped..I

2 mummies and a girl..

We felt so patriotic dat day. Din manage to take pic of the event after the sun set, as I was busy with Kirs..but u bet the fireworks was really nice!

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