Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Mother's Day & Father's Day 2013

Showcasing the artwork our lil Ks

A "hat" from Klaire to Daddy

A "butterfly" from Klaire to Mummy

 A bookmark from Kirsten to Mummy

We were wondering but didn't mention. Where's Kirsten to Daddy's?? haha

This year I wasn't around on Mothers' Day as I was on a business trip to Bangladesh. I left on the Sunday itself. That was really sad.....But... We made up for it by a visit to Universal Studio with my mum! W had helluva fun perspiring! lol. Kirsten and Klaire are still generally scared of the mascots. We did try some rides and they were enjoying it. Look forward to the times when they can take thrilling rides with us!

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